Inspired by Yoga to Care for the Community

This is a post I contributed to the blog of my local yoga studio, Namaste, a few weeks after the Bay Area shelter in place order went into effect. It didn’t take Namaste long at all to figure out a way to keep us students connected with our teachers and our practice. The day the…

A Walk In the Park

This picture was taken almost 10 years ago, and when I say ‘almost 10 years,’ I’m not just rounding up by a few months or years.  ‘Almost 10 years’ means: it’s been about 9 years and 11 months since this photo was taken.  At first glance, you see a park with a pond in the…

A public Christmas letter to my father

Dear Pop, Happy holidays.  Merry Christmas.  Happy New Year.  And Happy (what would have been) 41st Wedding Anniversary to you and Mom. In two days, you will walk down your driveway for the last time after 33 years.  You’ve been telling people how sad this moment in your lifetime will be, but actually, above anything,…

An Edible Arrangements Smoothie!

Last week, I celebrated my 24th birthday with these munchkins all day: After a bike to and from the playground, we came home to this pleasant surprise on our doorstep! …   It was from my boyfriend who sent his love from the office. 🙂 My nephews and I enjoyed the fresh and chilled fruit…

Car Camping in Bodega Bay

Living in Northern California means access to the infinite destinations for outdoor recreation.  My family, boyfriend, and I were fortunate enough to share an overnight car camping experience a few weeks ago at Bodega Bay in Sonoma County.  My brother, a camping veteran, advised my boyfriend and I on some supplies and clothing we might…

Good Morning Treats: Banana Nut Muffins

Muffins… a deadly sugar and butter combo disguised as an acceptable “breakfast” item.  Whatever, we’re American, and — how does the phrase go?  Everything in moderation, right?  The high butter content and high sugar content mixed with real bananas make for a scrumptious marriage.  Next time you want to present a special someone with baked…